WEEK: 13
Active: November 9th - November 15th
Work Due: November 16th @ 11:59PM


This is your final regular homework! In this homework, you are going to use your project from last time to implement and use arrays.

Homework 13 Walkthrough

Homework 13 Example


  1. Place multiple obstacles (at least 5) of different sizes and colors on the screen.
  2. Use arrays to create the shapes.
  3. Move the obstacles randomly around the screen. If they leave the screen, have them come back on the other side.
  4. Click the mouse to add a non-moving obstacle to the screen.
  5. Create an exit
  6. If the player gets to the exit, display a message on the screen that says you win.
  7. Ignore all collisions.

Looking for more to do? (extra credit)

  1. Keep adding objects to the screen whenever the mouse is clicked.
  2. Move the objects that are added whenever the mouse is clicked.

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