Active: August 24th - August 30th
Work Due: August 31st @ 11:59PM


Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset Video

In this section, we talk about how our Mindset sets us up for success. Too often, we get stuck in the mindset that we are only good at one thing or that we are "talented" in only certain subjects. Have you ever thought: "I am not a Math person" or "I just can't do that" whatever "that" is? Well, that is not uncommon. This kind of thinking is called the "Fixed Mindset." We must take a look at this from a different perspective. So, I would like you to read a few short paragraphs on Mindset.

Carol Dweck Video

Please take the Mindset Quiz below.

Test your Mindset

Keep track of your answers, and your thoughts, as this will also be part of your activity this week. Now, let's go and examine our learning style.

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