Homework 6
Homework Video
In this homework, you are going to create a couple of HTML pages. Hang onto them as you will add to them over the next couple of weeks.
- Create a “homepage.”
- On the home page, create a list of your favorite hobbies.
- Create a list of your favorite restaurants with links.
- Create an ordered list of your favorite websites, including their websites.
- Create a second page.
- On the second page, write a short story and include some of your artwork too.
- On the homepage, make sure there is a link to your second page.
- Create a third page with a “contact us” information on it. It should contain a form asking for their name, email address, and accept terms of agreement (yes or no question).
- Upload your pages to a folder in your GitHub repository called Homework 6.
- Take the Kahoot Quiz and turn in your results.
- Turn in a link to your GitHub repository into Moodle.