Active: September 28th - October 4th
Work Due: October 5th @ 11:59PM

Adding CSS to HTML


Embedded CSS Video

The second way in which we can add CSS by using embedded styles on the page. By having embedded styles, we apply a format to only this page.

An example might look like this.

    <title>Embedded Style Example</title>
        <span>This is the first sentence.</span>
        <br />
            This is the second sentence.
        <br />
        <span>This is the third sentence</span>

In this example, you see the first, and the third sentence has a background color of red. While the second sentence does not. The style at the top of the page within the <head> tags applies the background color to all span tags.

What are some of the positives and negatives of using embedded styles?

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