Homework Video
Hands-on Video
Hand-on Video
In this homework, you are going to style your HTML pages from Homework 6.
- Must use at least two inline styles.
- Must use embedded styles on a page affecting at least three tags.
- Must use an external style sheet.
- Must class selectors in your external style sheet that affect at least two tags in your page
- Must have id selectors in your external style sheet that affect at least two tags in your page
- Your contact us page must use either a CDN reference to Bootstrap (or another external CSS library) or a downloaded (local) version.
- Add a background image using CSS to your second page - the one with the story
- Take the Kahoot Quiz and upload your results to your repository.
- Upload your files to your GitHub repository (create a folder called Homework 7 or something like it) and turn in your link.