Active: September 28th - October 4th
Work Due: October 5th @ 11:59PM


Homework Video

Hands-on Video

Hand-on Video

In this homework, you are going to style your HTML pages from Homework 6.

  1. Must use at least two inline styles.
  2. Must use embedded styles on a page affecting at least three tags.
  3. Must use an external style sheet.
  4. Must class selectors in your external style sheet that affect at least two tags in your page
  5. Must have id selectors in your external style sheet that affect at least two tags in your page
  6. Your contact us page must use either a CDN reference to Bootstrap (or another external CSS library) or a downloaded (local) version.
  7. Add a background image using CSS to your second page - the one with the story
  8. Take the Kahoot Quiz and upload your results to your repository.
  9. Upload your files to your GitHub repository (create a folder called Homework 7 or something like it) and turn in your link.

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