
You may wish to ask for help with code that isn’t working. To add inline code within a sentence using Markdown (like width=20), wrap it in single back-tick characters.

Large amounts of code should go in code blocks. In Markdown, code blocks are created by “fencing” code with three back-ticks above and below, and delineating its language on the top row.

On most American keyboards, the back-tick is the leftmost key on number line, below esc.

keyboard with backtick key highlighted


Inline code is made is made with single back-ticks, like `width=20`. Code blocks are created by “fencing” code with three back-ticks above and below, and delineating its language on the top row.


Inline code is made is made with single back-ticks, like width=20. Code blocks are created by “fencing” code with three back-ticks above and below, and delineating its language on the top row.


See more on code highlighting.

development code markdown