Inner Box

This box is always 75% of the width and 50% of the height of the 'parent-container'.

Amet duis culpa in commodo ut enim incididunt minim consequat laborum dolore nostrud nisi. Nulla enim anim labore enim irure Lorem magna commodo sit amet elit et voluptate tempor enim. Laboris pariatur sunt id ea excepteur deserunt nisi cillum deserunt reprehenderit et deserunt.

Outer Box

This box is 66% of the width of the window (or example box container...) and it is set top be 300 pixels tall.

Unfortunatly, when the browser is narrow, there is not enough room in the box for all of this extra text, so it will run outside of the box.

Ipsum laborum amet exercitation pariatur tempor ea cupidatat proident duis nostrud. Lorem aliquip veniam eiusmod do laborum ullamco ex id culpa consequat dolore non tempor in excepteur enim aliqua. Dolor commodo officia culpa aliqua nulla sunt non consectetur aute amet culpa nisi aute elit velit commodo dolore. Occaecat laboris et irure labore elit commodo est nisi ut ea sint occaecat aliquip sit fugiat.