Getting Help

Help Procedures

Do the following to get help with problems.

  1. Google the problem.
  2. Post to the course issues forum.
    • The advantage to the GitHub issues forum is its advanced system for including formatted code. This will help with problem solving.
  3. Go to the 127 Media Arts Lab
    • The Media Arts Lab in room 127 of McGill hall has daily “lab monitors” who are hired to assist with problem solving and class help.
    • Lab Info.
  4. Contact the Teaching Assistant.
    • The TA for this class should be contacted with content/technical questions, or disputes about grades.
    • They will hold regular lab hours in 127 once a week.
    • They will also monitor the GitHub issues forum.
    • If you need to contact them directly, please use email
  5. Get help from Michael Cassens
    • If you have a high level problem, or need help that no one can offer, please contact Michael Cassens (me, the one writing all of this).
    • The best way to get a hold of me is to swing by my weekly office hours. These are posted (and updated) under my office hours section. This is the BEST way to work with me. Just come by during one of those posted times.
    • If you are a distance student or cannot make one of those times, please email me. (I will get back to you as soon as I can. If you don’t get a message back from me, please feel free to try again (unless it’s the middle of the night – even then I sometimes respond. I do try and sleep sometimes))

Lab Hours

The “127 Media Arts Computer Lab” (McGill, 127) has open lab hours every weekday afternoon until 5pm. During these lab hours, a graduate student is available to assist you with help or questions about this and other Media Arts courses. Please feel free to leverage this resource! The lab hours for this semester are as follows;