Getting Help

Help Procedures

Do the following to get help with problems.

  1. Google the problem.
  2. Post to the Discord Homework Channel.
    • Connect with your classmates through Discord.
  3. Get help from Michael Cassens
    • If you have problems or need help that no one can offer, please contact Michael Cassens (me, the one writing all of this).
    • The best way to get a hold of me is to swing by my weekly office hours or set up a Zoom conference call. These are posted (and updated) under my office hours section.
    • If you are a distance student or cannot make one of those times, please email me. (I will get back to you as soon as I can. If you don’t get a message back from me, please feel free to try again (unless it’s the middle of the night – even then I sometimes respond. I do try and sleep sometimes))
    • set up a Zoom conference call - Zoom conference call