Homework 6

Homework Video

In this homework, you are going to create a couple of HTML pages. Hang onto them as you will add to them over the next couple of weeks.

Homework 6 Example Video

Homework 6 Example


  1. Create a “homepage.”
  2. On the home page, create a list of your favorite hobbies or activities.
  3. Create a list of your favorite restaurants with hyperlinks to the restaurants.
  4. Create an ordered list of your favorite websites, including hyperlinks to the websites.
  5. Create a second page.
  6. On the second page, write a short story or find a summary of your favorite story and include some of your artwork or images that you like as well.
  7. Create a third page.
  8. It should be a “contact us” page. It should be a form asking for the person’s name, email address, and accept terms of agreement (yes or no question) via a checkbox or radio button.
  9. Make sure the home page links to second page and the third page.
  10. Make sure the second page links to the home page and the third page
  11. Make sure the third page links to the home page and the second page.
  12. Upload your pages to a folder in your GitHub repository called Homework 6.
  13. Take the Kahoot Quiz and turn in your results.
  14. Turn in a link to your GitHub repository into Moodle.

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