
This week’s homework introduces us to p5.js. You are going to create a self-portrait with simple shapes and then title and sign your portrait.

Need another reference? Try going to the p5.js resource page on their website.

Here is a video that explains the homework, how to get things set up, and how to upload everything to GitHub.

Homework Walkthrough Video

Here is an example page to help get you started.

Homework 9 Example

Here is another example that shows how to get the x and y coordinates without having to calculate them or guess. I put together a short example that should do that for you. Go to the Mouse Coordinates Example on GitHub.


  1. Create a portrait of your real self using simple shapes.
  2. Use circle(s) or ellipse(s).
  3. Use square(s) or rect(s).
  4. Use point(s).
  5. Use line(s).
  6. Use triangle(s). - keep in mind that the first point of a triangle starts in the bottom left-hand corner.
  7. Title your portrait.
  8. Sign your portrait with your name. (Just print your name using the text function)
  9. Take the Kahoot Quiz and take a screenshot of your results.
  10. Upload everything into GitHub and turn in your link to Moodle.

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