Getting Help
Help Quick Links
Help Procedures
Do the following to get help with problems.
- Look it up online and troubleshoot.
- As much as I am a resource, the best way to learn to code is to troubleshoot it and better understand the issue. Most of the software we use will often have their own forums.
- Post to the Discord Homework Channel.
- Connect with your classmates through Discord. Odds are you aren’t the only one struggling with the same issue. It creates comradery, helps others by troubleshooting together and with a lot more eyes looking at it, you might have your issue solved more quickly.
- Get help from Cory McKague
- If you have problems or need help that no one can offer, please contact Cory McKague (me, the one writing all of this).
- The best way to get a hold of me is to shoot me an email. I try and get back to you within 24 hours, but this is a LARGE class. If you send me an email over the weekend, keep in mind, it might take longer.