WEEK: Final-Project

Final Project Specifications

  • Deadlines:
    • _Proposal: Due _
    • _Final Project Submission: Due _

Size: 20pts The final project should be equivalent to approximately 3 weeks worth of work on regular assignments. For context, think about how big your 1 week projects were.

Scope: 20pts The final project can topically be about whatever you are passionate about, but must be creative and original. The major requirement is that it is a creative artwork that utilizes p5.js as the primary tool.

Tools and Content: 20pts You are encouraged, and welcome, to utilize content that you create in other environments. As an example, you may want to create backgrounds or other images in Illustrator of Photoshop that you then pull into your final project sketch. You are also free to use audio content or video content. I want you to utilize skills developed in all of your classes up till this point towards your final project for this class.

Research:20 pts you will most likely need to bring in content that types that we have not demo’d yet in this course, then you will need to Google and research how to do so. You are also welcome to ask myself and Teaching Assistant for help.

Peer reviews: 20 pts Provide feedback to 5 of your peers by Friday the 9th

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