What is Creative Coding?

Creative Coding is a broad term that describes the process of using code, low-level technology, and computers as artistic and design tools. The title "Creative Coding" includes the creation of artistic outputs, such as; computer-generated images/movies/music/sculptures, interactive installations, games, etc. This term also describes creative processes that may not result in output, but instead engage the creator, participant, or ordinary person to contemplate, re-contextualize, or examine some known truth, experience, or way they previously saw the world.

Creative coding is not scary! It may not be something you have done before, but we will all get there together. The goal of this course is not to teach you how to build a database to manage student accounts at some imaginary school (Unless you are interested in this. I can help you do that too, but let's get through the basics first).

The intention of this course and the subject of creative coding is to marry art, creativity, expression, and code together (and hopefully gaming - which I contend is also art). My goal is to teach artists, gamers, game designers, game programmers, etc., how to adapt new technologies to their goals.

My hope is that you learn how to solve problems through sub-problems and smaller blocks that can then be built back together, just like in traditional art problems. The goal is to explore what expression means when using an abstract tool such as code to engage with artistic processes. The best part is that you already do it; you may not realize it yet.