WEEK: 10


This week, you are going to animate your self-portrait. Now that you know how to make objects move back and forth, choose a few simple shapes to go back and forth along the x-axis. Also, select a couple of your shapes to move along the y-axis, and at least one simple shape to move using both the x and y-axis. Finally, make the title of your portrait get bigger five times and then smaller five times. Repeat that forever.

Here is an example that does some of the following items below: Homework Example


  1. Make at least two simple shapes in your self-portrait move back and forth along the x-axis.
  2. Make at least two simple shapes in your self-portrait move back and forth along the y-axis.
  3. Have the shapes move at different random speeds.
  4. Make at least one shape move back and forth along the x and y-axis (diagonally).
  5. Make the title of your self-portrait get larger five times and then get smaller five times. Repeat forever.
  6. Upload your project to GitHub and turn your link into Canvas.

Want something extra to do? (extra credit)

  1. Change the colors of your shapes every time they hit the wall.
  2. Change your name text so that it moves in a square pattern.
  3. Make your head get bigger and then smaller continuously.

Week 10 Discussion on Discord https://discord.com/channels/1319350327383691366/1319701841256255590

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