
How did you get here?

Part of attending higher education is being able to overcome challenges. If you were like me growing up, there were some difficulties you overcame to get you to this point in your life. How have those challenges shaped who you are today? What did you have to do to overcome them? Are you stronger because of it? You are here because you were able to get through those issues. No one else got you here, but yourself, and you should be proud of that.

That kind of thinking allows you to create great art, write beautiful poetry and compose or perform musical pieces. All of that applies to write code too. Code is an expression of who you are just like traditional art. Gaming has very close ties as it requires you to create the art, the music, and the story in one and put it out there for the world to play.

Write down some notes on challenges. You will turn in your thoughts on what challenges you have overcome.

Now, let's move onto the programming part of this week. Let's begin with Scratch.

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