Create a game in Code.org

Here's where you get to be creative again. In this exercise, you get to create a game. It will walk you through the commands and then give you the option to develop your game at the end. That is what you will share in your repository.

Before you start creating, though, think about the type of game you want to create. Design it before you write code (or drag and drop the code). Planning makes your life better in the long run because you can work out your ideas before you start writing any code. Employing good design is a good rule of thumb for anyone.

In the following video, Code.org gives a brief overview of the puzzles that you will solve.

Play Lab Puzzle Video

Play Lab Puzzle

Now, create a game that you think would be fun. Feel free to be as creative as you want.

Play Lab

Don't forget to save your link for your homework!

  • Make sure you have at least two characters
  • Change the background
  • Some interaction between the characters
  • A scoring system if it’s a collectible or avoidance game
  • Allow the end-user to move at least one character

I hope you Share the link in discord so that we can all see it!

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