Create a page

I am so excited that you made it this far! You are learning the basics of HTML well. One crucial step is to learn how to create and save it to view the page in a browser.

You have a couple of options:

  1. If you have Visual Studio Code installed
    1. Choose File -> New File
    2. Add your HTML code (refer back to the previous sections if you need a sample)
    3. Choose File -> Save
    4. Once the dialog appears, type in your name and then, put .html This extension tells your computer to use your default web browser to open this file.
  2. If you have VS Code, Notepad, Notepad++, or any other editing program, you can do the same thing. Just remember to save it with the .html extension and it should work.

Next up, we are going to take a look at HTML forms. What are those? I bet you have used these a lot!

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