This week, you should develop plans and initial sketches for your final project. You are to submit a link to a markdown file, located in your git repo, that describes the following.
Note: You should start working on your final project immediately. You should start working on your final project before the proposal is due. You should also not wait on a reply to your proposal to keep working in your final project. We will not respond to Final Project Proposals unless there are major issues with your proposal or we deem you final project to not be appropriate (either impossible or too easy).
The final project proposal is worth 20% of your final project grade. (Note: that equates to 3% of your total course grade.)
Required: Please note, the final project is required. Failure to complete a final project will result in a letter grade of F for the course. This is regardless of the students current grade standing in the course. There are no exceptions to this policy.