WEEK: 10
Active: March 14th - March 20th
Work Due: March 21st @ 9:00AM

Defining Your Own Functions

This page takes a deep look at defining your own functions in JavaScript.

There are a number of required elements needed to define your own functions. The first is the use of the function keyword to tell the interpreter that what follows is a function. We see this same thing in use with setup() and draw(). The keyword function proceeds the namespace that we will define for the function.

The other required element is the use of parenthesis (()), proceeding the function namespace definition. These are sometimes referred to as the function operator. These signify to the interpreter that what proceeded was the function namespace. As we will find out, this is also where we define input parameters for a function.

Finally, following all of this, is the function block, which as we discussed previously, is signified by curly brackets.

Altogether, this looks like;

function functionName( input1, input2 ) {
    // do something inside function block

When comparing the above to what we know for setup() or draw(), we see both look similar;

function setup() {
    // do something once
    // like...
    createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

function draw() {
    // do something every frame

    // like draw something;
    ellipse(40, 40, 60);

Again, you have been defining these functions in every p5 sketch you write, without knowing that was what you were really doing.

Naming Functions

When defining functions, you should follow the same naming conventions as used for variables in JavaScript. These conventions are;

Function Naming Rules

  1. Functions can only contain;
    • letters (a-z and A-Z),
    • numbers (0-9)
    • or underscores (_)
  2. Function names cannot start with;
    • capital letters (A-Z)
    • or numbers
  3. Functions cannot contain;
    • spaces,
    • or other special characters

Function Naming Suggestions

  1. Although technically legal, functions should not start or end with an underscore (_).
  2. Function names should be meaningful and descriptive.

Function Naming Guidelines

  • Follow the same patterns for function names throughout a code project.
    • This is especially true as it relates to multi-word functions.

Again, these rules are the same as creating variable namespaces. Be consistent; Be Descriptive; Be Simple.

“Hello World!” As a Function

Time to build a direct example. Let’s function-ify our “Hello World!” example from Week 3.

The following, is an embellished version of the p5 “Hello World!” example, with an ellipse, from week 3.

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Function-ify Drawing an Ellipse

For a moment, let’s pretend that line 7, where the circle is drawn, is some complex set of statements.Let’s also say, we have decided to encapsulate that code in a function, perhaps because it makes it easier to read our sketch.js file. To do this we might define and write a function called drawCircle(). This function, as its sole purpose, will draw a circle at x:150px, y:150px, that is 150px in diameter.

We would start, by first defining our new function, like so;

function drawCircle() {
    // do something to draw a circle

Again, this uses

  • the function keyword,
  • proceeded by the namespace of the function,
  • proceeded by the function operator (()),
    • which is empty, as we are not currently passing it any input parameters,
  • followed by the function block ({}).

We would then place the “stuff to do” inside the function block. In this example, this might simply be;

function drawCircle() {
    fill( 'grey' );
    ellipse( 150, 150, 150 );

Finally, we can then replace our call to ellipse within draw() with our newly defined function (drawCircle()). The resulting code might look something like;

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NOTE: How we place the function definition at the end of the file. When defining functions with the syntax discussed on this page, these functions can be placed “anywhere” within the text file, even after they are used.

The interpreter “hoists” these types of functions before it begins the execution of code statements, therefore, as far as the interpreter is concerned, these have previously been defined.

For you, this means you can add functions like this to the bottom of a text file, or in another text file altogether (discussed next week). This will allow you to keep increasing the readability of your code through thoughtful organization of code and specifically, functions.

Function Definition vs. Function Expressions

So far this week, you have seen the following for how to define a function;

function functionName( input1, input2 ) {
    // do something

This way of defining a function is known as a function definition. Also, sometimes as a function statement. By and large, this is the way that we will write function in this course.

There is another way of defining functions in JavaScript known as function expression.

A function expression will take the following form;

var myFunction = function() {
    // statements - do something

// to call

In the above, the function is referenced from a variable namespace.

One of the main differences between a function definition and a function expression, is that the latter is not hoisted. Therefore, you cannot use or call function expressions until after they have occurred in the code.

Function expressions are being presented now, so that if you see them in other peoples code, JS discussions, or help guides, you understand what they are, and that they are used similarly to function definitions. However, as a reminder, I am encouraging you to currently use the first technique, function definitions, at least within this course.


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