Active: January 31st - February 6th
Work Due: February 7th @ 9:00AM

Alpha Values in Color
(Making things see-through)

It is also possible to specify the alpha value for any color in p5. Specifying an alpha value for a color function allows other objects behind the shape to be seen. In other words, it makes a shape “see through”.

The alpha value is most easily used in conjunction with grayscale and rgb color values.

To specify an alpha value for grayscale value, supply a second number parameter to any color function, between 0-255. (0 = completely transparent, 255 = completely opaque)

// grayscale value w/ alpha value specified
fill(102, 150);

To specify an alpha value with the simple version of RGB parameters, supply a 4th value between 0-255.

// rgb value w/ alpha value
fill( 240, 10, 20, 150 );

I like to specify alpha value by passing color functions an 'rgba()' function wrapped in quotes. This allows the alpha value to be specified as a decimal value between 0.0 - 1.0. Which gives me a greater feel of control.

fill( 'rgba(176, 255, 29, 0.5)' );

When placed together, you can see how the alpha values allow for colors to mingle and play with each other.

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For more information on using colors in p5, please read the color reference page.

Shiffman on Color

Please watch Mr. Shiffman on his approach to color.

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