Active: January 31st - February 6th
Work Due: February 7th @ 9:00AM

Drawing in p5

OK, the last few weeks have been about the technical information you needed to start working in p5. Enough with the technical nonsense. Let’s get to actually making things and drawing.

So far we have learned;

  1. What p5 is
  2. How to download an empty example
  3. How to create a basic sketch
  4. How to open a sketch in the browser to view it
  5. What a function is
  6. What a parameter is
  7. How to create a canvas of a specific size
  8. How to change the background color of the canvas

That is a lot, but we still haven’t even touched the surface of what is possible with p5 and coding. The goal for the rest of this week is to teach you how to draw primitive shapes, with the goal of having you create your own drawing.

If you remember back to the p5 “Hello World!” example, we drew a circle on the canvas. We did this using the ellipse() function, by specifying a location for the ellipse and size of the ellipse. If you went to the reference page on the p5 website, like you were asked to do, you hopefully noticed that the ellipse() function belongs to the Shape group of functions. You might have even noticed, more specifically, that it belongs to the “2D Primitives” group.

2D Primitives group of p5 functions

The 2D Primitives group of functions are used to draw basic shapes to the canvas. We are now going to discuss qualities of the primitive shape group, along with a couple of the primitive shapes.

After this lecture, you should visit, read, study, and practice using each of the primitive shapes. These are functions you will want knowledge and control over this semester. Remember, to learn more about a function, including; what it does, the expected input parameters, and how to use it, visit the function’s associated documentation page from the p5 documentation reference.

The Grid, Location, and Sizes

Every function in the 2D Primitive Shape group will take at least one pair of Number parameters (x and y) that will help in defining the location of the shape. If we remember back to the ellipse() function, the first two parameters were used to define the “center” of the ellipse.

Grid and Canvas Size

Location parameters will almost always come in a pair, in order to define both an x and y location on the canvas “grid”. Our canvas is made up of pixels, that are laid out in a grid pattern. If we create a canvas that is 200 by 100 pixels ( createCanvas( 200, 100 ) ), our resulting canvas and grid, will be 200 pixels in width and 100 pixels in height.


The resulting grid of our canvas can be described with respect to its axes (pronounced: AX-eez). Just as in your geometry class from high school, there are two axes;

  • X-Axis
  • Y-Axis

Point ( 0, 0 ) or X:0 - Y:0 for both axes is located in the top-left corner of the grid.

Image of a grid, showing x-axis, y-axis, and point (0,0).


The X-Axis runs from left ( X: 0 ) to right. It is made up of columns. Every point on the grid in a vertical column will have the same x value.

Image of a grid, highlighting the x-axis and its columns.


The Y-Axis runs from top ( Y: 0 ) to bottom. It is made up of rows. Every point on the grid in a horizontal row will have the same y value.

Image of a grid, highlighting the y-axis and its columns.

Grid Points

Points on the grid are typically described as a comma separated pair wrapped in parentheses (i.e. (4, 3) ). In this notation, the first number is always the X coordinate, and the second the Y coordinate.

Grid showing various points.

At first, it can be tricky to navigate along the grid, or to start thinking in terms of a grid. But remembering a few key things will make it easier.

  1. The Top-Left corner is always ( 0, 0 )!
  2. Since the first number is X, you should initially move from left-to-right, then find the Y position by moving from top-to-bottom.

Image demonstrating how to navigate along the p5 grid.

Return of the ellipse()

We have already talked about the ellipse() function. But, I want to revisit this function after out conversation about the canvas grid. As you remember, the ellipse() function takes 4 input parameters.

  • x - the X location of the center of the ellipse.
  • y - the Y location of the center of the ellipse.
  • w - the width of the shape
  • h - the height of the shape

Let’s look at two images, explicitly showing the overlay of an ellipse on a grid.

The following p5 code would have been used to create this ellipse.

function setup() {
    createCanvas( 20, 20 );

function draw() {
    ellipse( 10, 10, 16, 16 );

In this first image, we see explicitly where the “center” of the ellipse is located. From the top-left corner of the canvas grid at ( 0, 0 ), we move 10 to the right (along the X-axis), then 10 down (along the Y-axes), to get to ( 10, 10 ).

Demonstration of how to find the location of an ellipse.

In this next image, we see that the ellipse is 16 pixels wide and 16 pixels high.

Demonstration of an ellipses size in pixels.


Let’s now move on to some new shape functions. Perhaps the simplest of the primitive shape functions is the point() function.

You should have discovered that the point() function draws a single point on the canvas, taking up 1 pixel.

This function also only accepts two parameters. These set the x and y coordinates of the point, respectively.

To place a point on the canvas, you simple need to provide the function name, along with two numbers for parameters, describing the X and Y locations of the point, respectively.

In the following sketch, we create;

  • a canvas that is 300px wide and 100px high
  • color the background of the canvas a light blue
  • place a single point at ( x: 100, y: 50 )

NOTE: This point, by itself would be a single pixel in size. So I am including an additional function strokeWeight(), so that it appears larger in the example.

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Multiple Points

What if you wanted to create more than one point? What do you think you would do?

To create more than one shape on a canvas, we simply need to write more commands that create more shapes. Following from the p5 point() documentation example; if we wanted to create 4 points, on the corners of a square, we would need to write 4 statements, each invoking the point() function with different locations for input parameters.

The following code demonstrates drawing four points, with each point on the corner of a square.

Notice: how every point has at least one X or Y coordinate in relation with another point.

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Another useful shape function, and one similar in behavior to the ellipse() is the rect() function. The rect() function is used to draw rectangles.

Just like ellipse(), the rect() function can be invoked using 4 parameters;

  • x - A number representing the x-coordinate of the rectangle. (By default, this is the top-left corner)
  • y - A number representing the y-coordinate of the rectangle. (By default, this is the top-left corner)
  • w - A number describing the width of the rectangle.
  • h - A number describing the height of the rectangle.

Unlike the ellipse() function, by default, the rect() function’s location is based off of the top-left corner of the rectangle.

The following code creates a rectangle that takes up 80% of the width and height of the specified canvas and places it in the middle of the canvas.

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Can you alter the above code, so that the rectangle becomes a square, that takes up 50% of the width of the canvas, and is still located in the middle?

Rounding It Out

As you hopefully also notice on the rect() function reference page, this function can accept a total of 4, 5, or 8 input parameters.

When 5 input parameters are present, p5 expects the last parameter to be a number describing how “round” to make the corners of the resulting rectangle. This value represents the number of pixels of rounding on each corner.

Below are rectangles with varying amounts of corner roundness.

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When 8 input parameters are present, the last 4 parameters each describe a roundness of a corner of the rectangle. The 5th parameter describes the top-left corner. The subsequent parameters describe the remaining corners, clock-wise from the top-left.

// a rectangle with various corner roundness
rect( 20, 20, 300, 300, 0, 90, 45, 130 );
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The triangle() function is used to create and draw triangle shape objects.

The triangle() function takes exactly 6 input parameters. These can be more simply described as three pairs of X/Y points. These three point pairs are used to describe one of each of the triangle’s own points.

The below code shows three triangles, with different positions on the screen.

triangle( 50, 50, 250, 50, 150, 180 );
triangle( 350, 50, 550, 50, 450, 180 );
triangle( 10, 225, 590, 225, 375, 375 );
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Additional Primitive Shape Functions

Now that we have gone over most of the 2D Primitive Shape functions, you should be capable of going over and understanding the three remaining functions.

On your own, please read through the documentation page for each of the remaining 2D Primitive Shape functions;

Shiffman on Shapes

Please watch the below video, where Daniel Shiffman explains his approach to using shapes.

NOTE: As a reminder, the p5-Editor, no longer exists. Soooo…. just ignore him talking about that. You will need to continue working in Atom and the browser.

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