Active: April 17th - May 12th
Work Due: Friday, May 12th @ NOON


The first thing you will need to do is determine what your site is going to be about. Some ideas of topics are;

  • a personal website
  • a personal artist website
  • a personal business site
  • a creative story
  • an experimental art piece
  • something else? (Almost anything is allowed, but if you are straying from the above, you should check it by your instructor first.)

Developing Content

Develop your content separately. Really give yourself some time to think about;

  1. What is this site about and what is its primary goal?
  2. What type of material will I need to create/curate in order to accomplish my goal?

After establishing the my topic and possible types of content the site will need, you should start actually creating this content.

For example, if this is going to a personal website, you might need to pull together;

  • a bio
  • artist/life/mission statement
  • list of previous work
  • documentation of previous work
    • images
    • movies
    • descriptions
    • presentations/performance history
    • a feature image
  • contact information
  • influences
  • a self-portrait / head-shot
  • images of you working
  • a logo or symbol
  • secondary material
    • images to be used as possible backgrounds
    • images for possible headers or hero images

(NOTE: This is likely not an inclusive list.)

Initially, you should pull together all materials, as high-quality, full-size assets. You should only compress and shrink assets once you know the destination format, placement, and sizing.


You will of course need to tweak, alter, or completely change material as you integrate it with your site.

Design Support Content

In addition to pulling together your content, you should make initial decisions about a color palette to be used throughout your site, as well as possible font families that you can use for headings/titles, and body text.

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