Active: April 17th - May 12th
Work Due: Friday, May 12th @ NOON

Documentation of Your Process

You should plan on documenting every part of your development process for this site, from the beginnings of “what will this site be about”, through the wireframe mockups, initial code versions, and final published version.

This documentation should take place through;

  • pictures
    • camera shots of hand drawn or handwritten material
    • screenshots of digital materials (including wireframes, site maps, and initial code prototypes)
  • idea journaling in a text document
  • version control of all code

You will be expected to provide a readme.md, as you do for every assignment. This readme should reference this documentation as it discusses your development process.

Specifics of the README.md

Your readme.md should be a formal discussion of your development process for this site. You might discuss;

  • Why did you decide to make your site about “X”?
  • Where did your content come from, or how did you create it?
  • How long did this process take you?
  • How long did each step take you?
  • Discuss various stages of the development?
    • What worked?
    • What gave you problems?
    • How did earlier choices influence later ones?
  • What type of feedback did you get during initial testing of your site?
  • What do you think of the final site?

Essentially, anything in these pages, directing you in how to approach this final site build, is something you should document, and something you may want to consider discussing in your final readme.md report.

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