Active: April 17th - May 12th
Work Due: Friday, May 12th @ NOON

Final Project Info

The final project for this course is a self-designed, multi-page website. This website should utilize the techniques, design strategies, and process discussed in class throughout the semester. You will be graded on;

  • content
  • content integration and presentation
  • site aesthetics
  • adherence to responsive web design (rwd)
  • site accessibility
  • layout design and execution

You have learned all of the tools and techniques necessary to build and develop a professional looking and working website. It will not be flashy or have as many “tricks” as many commercial sites. These are techniques you can learn after this, or in later classes. However, you are still completely capable of developing a modern, aesthetically pleasing, and content-driven website. Hold yourself to a high standard as you work on this project to make sure it comes out as a quality piece of work.

Due Date

The final project is due: Friday, May 12th @ NOON

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