Active: April 17th - May 12th
Work Due: Friday, May 12th @ NOON

GitHub Repository Details

You are to create a new GitHub repository for this final project site. This way, all of your code and resources in this repository will only be for the final project site.

You can do one of two things;

  1. Create a new GitHub repo, named whatever you want. The URL for your final site would then be http://your-user-name.github.io/final-site-name/
  2. Or, you can create a repo called your-user-name.github.io, in which case your site will be available at the base level of your GitHub URL (i.e. http://your-user-name.github.io).

In either case, your main index.html document, should be at the top level of your new GitHub repository directory.

You will need to review how to create a GitHub Repo from the course content.

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