After all of the planning is done for your site, it will finally be time to start actually coding it up.
As you develop your site, you should take time to consider organization of your code and documents. This will make your work easier throughout this process.
This will mean considering both directory structure (where are documents placed) along with document names (give them names that clearly identify what they are/do).
We have not talked about modular delivery approaches in this course, but I would suggest you at least follow a modular build approach. Build each component of your site individually, then bring them together.
I.E. Build things separately, like;
After getting solid working versions of these various components, then bring them together into each page.
Remember to start your development by focusing on mobile devices and browsing first. Make sure it looks good on your phone first, then start to create media queries that will reflow the content for larger screen sizes.
Remember this is a process of iteration. It will take a considerable amount of time to go from prototype/wireframe to the finished product.
Remember to document your entire process, including these initial builds.