WEEK: 10
Active: Not Currently Active
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Mobile First Design

One of the critical concepts you should take away from this week is that of “mobile first design”.

In a mobile first design strategy, you will start design your webpages for smaller screen devices first. As will be mentioned in the video below, this means you must prioritize your content for a page from the very beginning of the design process.

You will then learn how to scale you site up, to “re-flow” content, as the screen size increases, instead of decreases.

The other reason for emphasizing mobile first design is that, as you probably can relate, more and more users are visiting web content with their mobile devices. It is therefore critical, that their opinions and experiences be positive of your site. By designing for mobile devices first, you are designing for an every increasing user-group.

Project Test

Download their project and make the site look good on a mobile device!

Solution Video

Project Test Solution Files

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