Active: Not Currently Active
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Recap of the Week

In these first two weeks we have gone over a number of technologies that are necessary for web developers. To recap, these have included:

  • Command Line
  • Text Documents
  • Text Editors
  • Git
  • Git GUI Apps
  • GitHub.com
  • Markdown

This is in addition to the week-01 discussion and examination of the Internet and what a web developer is/does.

These technologies and skills are necessary to assist you in your understanding and abilities as a web developer. If you are feeling uncomfortable at this point, you should try do the following to get help;

  1. Review the material on this site.
  2. Try google-ing to find your answers.
  3. Ask questions to the class via the GitHub repo “issues” section.
  4. Contact your instructor.

Next Week

Next week we will start to look at HTML and how this language is used to make webpages. If you have not done so yet, please make sure you have found a copy of Jon Duckett’s HTML & CSS book.

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