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Week-5 Conclusion

This week introduced three new topics within HTML;

  1. Images
  2. Tables
  3. Forms

You will clearly use these techniques often when developing webpages, as they offer enormous benefits for content presentation and information collections.


Images are pervasive throughout the Internet. As a media artist, you will undoubtedly think and express yourself through visual means, including still images. As such, you will need to develop a high level of comfort with image manipulation and inclusion with web development.


Tables allow us to present data in a relational way that brings new light and meaning to the data in question. The presentational ability of tables to show relationships between data is crucial in a “data driven world”.


There were many elements introduced in the discussion of HTML forms. If it is not yet clear, however, these elements all share common traits and attributes. The number of elements may seem unnecessary, however, they offer the web developer and content creator an ability to be explicit in the type of content and data being collected. Increased readability is always a good thing as it reduces errors and improves the ability to collaborate.

We will not use forms very much this semester, as they inherently require a more robust language to handle their collection and transmission. This is one of the roles of javascript, which will be discussed more in the second section of this course (mart 441 - web technologies). However, there are services which will allow us to create forms for websites that can do the front-end and back-end lifting/handling of the data.

In the mean time, practice with these elements and become comfortable with how you might group them together to create meaningful forms.