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Week 6 Overview
Global Attributes, div/span, iframes, & Media

This is the last week where we will look at HTML elements in depth. At the point you should be comfortable with;

  • The basics of HTML. Including;
    • Elements
    • Tags
      • Attributes
      • Opening & Closing Tags
      • Empty Tags
  • The Basic Structure of an HTML Document
    • The HTML element
    • The head and body elements.
  • Structural vs Semantic Elements
  • Nesting elements
  • Linking to other files (i.e. images)
  • User input

This week we will be wrapping up our unit on HTML by looking at three groups;

1. Additional Structure and Clarity

The first group of elements we will look at include;

  • The ID attribute
  • The class attribute
  • The div & span elements
  • Escape Character Codes

These elements, attributes, and codes will offer us additional tools for structuring content and thereby increasing clarity. Not only will these tools offer increased clarity, but they will prove necessary as we move into CSS and consider how to style our pages.

2. Media

Building from our work last week with the Image element, we will explore 3 new elements this week that allow for increased media integration and embedding. The Internet started as a way of sharing scientific content and documents. As the world has quickly progressed however, the way we share information has shifted to necessitating multi-media formats such as audio and video. These elements create options for how we can include this content in our sites.

3. Metadata

Metadata is used by browsers, search engines, and developers to better understand specific aspects, qualities, and roles of “things”, in our case webpages. The final set of tools that will be explored this week introduce tools for further defining metadata in our webpages. To wrap up this section, an updated basic structure for HTML documents will be presented.

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