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Week 7 Overview
Introducing CSS

So far this semester, some of the things you have learned include;

  • a brief history of the Internet and how the web/browsers work.
  • The difference between a text document and a binary document.
  • How to work with the git version control system, as well as utilize a remote repository.
  • 2 markup languages
    • markdown
    • HTML
  • The necessary elements to create a basic web page that can be served to a browser.

This week we will start learning about and exploring CSS or Cascading Style Sheets.

CSS is a language that tells browsers how to display and style content in HTML. It will not change the content itself, but will allow you to specify color, font, size, background, padding, alignment, how pages resize, if certain elements should be hidden, and many more qualities.

{ TODO: }

Read the w3schools short page on what CSS is, and why it exists.

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