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Text Color

In addition to background color, CSS also provides developers the ability to specify the color of text. The property name for this is simply color: .

The color property is an “inherited” property. This means a developer can define a color property value in a top level element, and it will be “inherited” by all children elements.

body {
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
    background-color: rgb(43, 44, 48);
.color-text {
    color: rgb(49, 186, 172);
    <h1>Text Color Examples</h1>
    <p>Notice how the text color, defined in the body element
        selector, is inherited by the h1 element and this paragraph
    <h2 class="color-text">New Colors</h2>
    <p class="color-text">Whereas, we can define a different color for
        the elements that are part of the "color-text" class.</p>
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