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Word Spacing

In addition to being able to adjust the space between characters, developers can adjust the amount of space between words only, using the word-spacing: property.

.example-container h2 {
    font-family: "Helvetica", sans-serif;
    line-height: 1.5em;
    font-weight: 100;
    margin-bottom: 2em;
    text-align: center;

h2.no-space {
    word-spacing: normal;

h2.some-space {
    word-spacing: 0.8em;

h2.lots-space {
    word-spacing: 3em;

h2.negative-space {
    word-spacing: -0.8em;
<div class="example-container">
    <h2 class="no-space">No Space Applied</h2>
    <h2 class="some-space">Some Space Applied</h2>
    <h2 class="lots-space">A Lot of Space Applied</h2>
    <h2 class="negative-space">Negative Space Applied</h2>

No Space Applied

Some Space Applied

A Lot of Space Applied

Negative Space Applied

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