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Sound Production & Design Fundamentals, MART 245

University of Montana,
School of Visual and Media Arts

Sound Production & Design Fundamentals (MART245), offered by the School of Visual and Media Arts within the University of Montana introduces students to the field of sound art. This course is intended as a foundation course to create shared terminology, skill sets, aesthetics, and techniques for students to utilize as they take additional sound production, sound design, or audio courses within the School of Visual and Media Arts (SVMA) or larger College of the Arts and Media (CAM). This course includes the study of notable examples in sound art, music, intermedia, and installation. Starting with the birth of electricity, Futurism, and Dada, students will examine the practices and innovations that led to the most current ideas about Sound Production, and from here develop contemporary analytical methods for exploring Sound Production & Design. Additionally, students will apply this knowledge to the creation of their own sonic art works. This latter aim will be accomplished through technical study and use of modern tools, such as Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs), sound monitors, microphones, and signal processing.

This site serves as both a supplement to in-person sections of this course as well as a fully asynchronous, online course.

This considered the foundation course for any students wanting to proceed further with sonic art and audio studies within SVMA.

This course was built by Michael Musick, PhD.

For the Fall of 2023, this course will be delivered by Kate Lloyd.

Start the Course!

Each week’s content can be chosen from the “Modules” tab up above in the navigation bar (or in the “hamburger” menu if you are on a mobile device).

There you should find a link to ‘Week 1’. As weeks become active, you will find them populate that drop-down menu.