Active: January 20th - January 27th
Work Due: January 27th @ 11:59 PM

Listening Homework

You have a number of steps for your homework this first week. MOST IMPORTANT among them is to spend time actively listening!

Listen as you sit, listen as you walk, listen as you lay. Think about sound and about the qualities of sound.


I want you to read two articles this week, one by Pauline Oliveros and one by Chion The articles can be found on Canvas under the week 1 module as well as under the files tab.

  • For Reading : Oliveros, Pauline. “Some Sound Observations”, from Audio Culture. Edited by Christopher Cox and Daniel Warner, Bloomsbury Academic, 2004.
  • You only need to read pages 102-106
  • Read all of the Chion article

Listening Response and Homework Specifications

  1. Listen constantly
  2. Under Week 1 module on Canvas, the second page, click reply to add your reading response discussion.
  3. In this discussion post, please put your name as the “Subject” and then include the following;

Having read the Oliveros chapter, “Some Sound Observations”, I would like you to sit outside of wherever you live and listen. As you experience this time, try to really hear the sound events that are creating and existing in your soundscape.

You may ask yourself questions such as;

  • Can I identify the source of the sound?
  • Can I describe the quality of the sound?
  • What is the effect of all of these sounds mixing together?
  • Do I like these sounds, find them interesting, appreciate them?
  • What mode of listening am I using (considering the modes of listening by Chion)
  • Is there silence, and if so, what is its quality?

After listening and observing for a while, I would like you to try and describe the soundscape or sound events that you hear. You are welcome to mimic Pauline and write as she does, or you may choose to write about this soundscape with prose that are authentic to you.