Active: January 22nd - January 29th
Work Due: January 29th @ 11:59 PM

Instructor Information


Quick links, including email links, office hours, and lab hours, are all available from the “Instructors” tab above in the course menubar. –>

What follows is a more detailed introduction to the people delivering this class to you this semester. We are a team, and will be working together to deliver this experience to you.

Instructor of Record - Kate Lloyd


Kate Lloyd, a second-year graduate student in the Media Arts department at the University of Montana, offers over 15 years of diverse experience in the performing arts. Her career includes being a touring musician, a stagecraft expert in theater, a field recordist, a sound designer for film, and a live broadcast foley artist. She notably served as a technical director and lighting engineer at The Stateroom, a prominent live music venue in Salt Lake City, Utah. Additionally, her role at the Red Butte Garden Amphitheater in Salt Lake City involved working directly with band managers to coordinate their transportation and other logistical needs.

Currently, Kate is the Sound Studio Manager at the University of Montana, where she also assists in the media equipment room. Her expertise was recently highlighted in her role as the production manager and recording/mixing engineer for the University Graduate School Podcast, “Confluence,” where she specialized in creating immersive soundscapes for sound design.

Kate’s research interests are deeply rooted in the realm of sound. She focuses on sound for games, immersive audio, sound art, and interactive installations. Her work involves exploring the use of microcontrollers and sensors in conjunction with Cycling 74’s Max MSP Jitter software. Moreover, Kate is passionate about DIY instrument creation using found objects, demonstrating her commitment to inclusivity and enabling broad participation in sound and music.

Teaching Assistants

In addition to myself, we will be supported with a teaching assistant this semester.

If you are unable to solve problems on your own or through the course Moodle forum (more to come on that later), you should e-mail a TA for help.

  • [cole.grant@umconnect.umt.edu]