Active: January 27th - February 3rd
Work Due: February 3rd @ 11:59 PM

Week 2: Introduction to DAWs

Active: January 27th - February 3rd

Homework Due: February 3rd @ 11:59 PM

First, before we get to new material, a couple notes. I hope you are feeling excited for this course and enjoyed the introductory week’s material around listening and silence. Hopefully, you were empowered to approach your world with open ears, that were able to hear and focus on more detail than has been typical for you. To really listen and focus on the sonic events and happenings in our world is a true treasure. There are so many incredible sounds, of beauty, complexity, interest, and depth. Please remember to continue exploring your world sonically as you move throughout this semester.

I also want to ensure that everyone felt comfortable with the course overview materials from last week (course format, the syllabus, expectations, etc.). If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to setup a meeting with me or to send me an email. As a reminder, my contact information (as well as that of our teaching assistant) is available from the “Instructors” tab.

Weekly Overview

This week, we are going to dive into a tool which will likely become central to your work and involvement with sound, audio, and sonic art … the Digital Audio Workstation. You will learn about what a Digital Audio Workstation is, what its original equivalent was in the pre-digital era, as well as the basics of a Digital Audio Workstation. In addition, you will get up and be running with Cockos Incorporated’s Reaper, the Digital Audio Workstation that this class will utilize throughout the course of the semester.