Active: Febuary 5th - Febuary 12th
Work Due: Febuary 12th @ 11:59 PM

Homework Specifications
  1. As you can imagine by now, your homework is to capture a number of field recordings and soundscapes.
  2. You should then audition these and select two 60-90 second selections.
    1. The first of these selections should be a soundscape, that is distanced from any single event.
    2. The second should either be a field recording that;
      • Emphasizes a single sonic event primarily
      • Or is recorded in an unusual location that creates a unique or unexpected take on the soundscape
  3. These selections should be normalized to -1.0 dBFS.
  4. These selections should have a fade-in and fade-out applied.
  5. These selections should be rendered as .wav files, at 44100 kHz.
  6. Finally, you should upload these files to Moodle. You should also write briefly in your homework post about your experience. Please discuss;
    1. Your experience of capturing a number of locations and sources.
    2. Why you chose the locations/situations you did and what you hoped to capture?
    3. Your experience listening back on your computer and choosing two selections.
    4. Why you ultimately chose the selections you did? (i.e. what was it about these selections that intrigued you)
    5. Finally, please discuss any problem you ran into.


You should submit your two rendered bounces and your discussion to the submission forum. Please make a new post and upload accordingly.