
When I think of UIkit, the first thing that comes to mind is minimalism—not in terms of features, as it actually offers one of the most feature-rich frameworks, but in its design. If you appreciate sleek, elegant designs that embrace bold use of space, UIkit is a great fit. Here’s a simple example of a progress bar.

<progress class="uk-progress" value="" max=""></progress>

Or the image marker component (a JS-driven interactive marker for images):

Or even the humble HTML form:

If this doesn’t scream elegance at the top of its lungs, I don’t know what does. Just head over to the UIkit website and check out all the incredible components it has on offer. Unless your project manager or customer forces a particular style language on you, I think Uikit takes the crown for UI design and is several miles ahead of Google’s Material Design.

But is there a catch, you’re wondering? Yes, there is. Like Bootstrap, UIkit works with JavaScript, and while you can use jQuery for DOM manipulation, using a virtual DOM framework like React is impossible.

Also, Uikit is a self-contained system, and you won’t be able to modify or extend it without putting in considerable effort.

