Active: February 7th - February 13th
Work Due: February 14th @ 9:00AM

Weekly Conclusions

At this point, you probably have a sense for how this course will go for you this semester. You should expect to spend about the same amount every week, that each of the last three weeks has taken you. If you are someone who finds themselves completing the weekly work in less than an hour, start practicing more. If you are on the other end of the spectrum, keep at it, stay calm, and put in the time (you will get there).

{ TODO: }

In addition to completing this weeks homework assignment, please read the following chapters from “Getting Started: p5”, as these will provide you with different perspectives and additional information on this weeks content;

  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 5
  • Chapter 6

There is some content within these chapters that we have not yet reached. Please try and gleam as much as you can, and store the rest of the information away for later, when we do cover those topics. It will all come around in the end.

Next Week

Next week, we will look at;

  • more math in p5,
  • some functions to help us avoid math,
  • how to create random value,
  • and an additional data structure, using “objects”

Previous section: