Active: March 7th - March 13th

Looping Through Arrays

We have already seen one way of looping through arrays on the previous page using the draw() loop. However, there will clearly be times when we want to loop through an array using a for loop. Hopefully, through our work on the last page, you already have an idea as to how this will occur?

Since we access elements in arrays using an index Number, the for loop is a natural interface to to work through all of these elements.

Let’s talk about how to work through the following array;

let testArr = [ 20, 30, 80, 150, 162 ];

To setup our for loop, we first need to provide a variable initialization statement. Obviously since we want to work though all of the elements in the array, we will want to initialize a variable to the Number value 0. Likewise, since we know this is a variable used to access index values, we should probably name it something that reminds us of that. Possible options are;

  • i
  • idx
  • index

I personally like to use idx when creating variables for index retrieval. This means our initialization statement will look like;

let idx = 0;

For the conditional statement, we know we want to grab all elements, sequentially. Since the last element in an array has an index value of 1 less than the length of the array, let’s check that index is less than the length of the array. (NOTE: We want to use less than and NOT less than or equal to, as this would try and access an element one beyond what exists. This means our conditional statement will look like;

idx < testArr.length;

Finally, since we want to grab each element, we can simply increment the idx variable by 1 every loop iteration;


To use each element, we simply need to pass the value of idx to the array variable, and the do something with it.

Our final for loop might look like;

for( let idx = 0; idx < testArr.length; idx++ ) {
	testArr[idx]; // ← do something

This test example might be used to draw a series of rectangles at various x positions every frame, like so;

let xPosArr = [ 20, 30, 180, 250, 462 ];

function setup() {
    createCanvas( windowWidth, 400 );

let yPos = 0;
function draw() {
    background( 'rgb( 200, 37, 52 )' );

    stroke( 255 );
    fill( 'rgb( 100, 255, 0 )' );

    for( let idx = 0; idx < xPosArr.length; idx++ ) {
        // draw some boxes!
        rect( xPosArr[idx], yPos, 20, 40 );

    yPos = (yPos + 1) % windowHeight;
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Another Example

Please study the following code to see the same principles in another example.

let numberlist;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 300);
    numberlist = [50, 20, 100, 25, 5, 75];


function draw() {

    // Here is how you use a for loop to iterate
    // over each element of the array
    for (let i = 0; i < numberlist.length; i++) {
        ellipse(i * 100 + 100, 100, numberlist[i], numberlist[i]);

    // The above code is the same as below!
    // Just uses a loop where i changes dynamically instead
    // of hard-coded indices
    // ellipse(100, 100, numberlist[0], numberlist[0]);
    // ellipse(200, 100, numberlist[1], numberlist[1]);
    // ellipse(300, 100, numberlist[2], numberlist[2]);
    // ellipse(400, 100, numberlist[3], numberlist[3]);
    // ellipse(500, 100, numberlist[4], numberlist[4]);
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For … Of Loops

There is a convenience method in JavaScript to work through arrays and other “iterable objects” known as for…of loops.

For…of loops, return each element from an iterable object to a defined variable. This type of loop can be useful when working with arrays, as it may reduce your code.

To use a for…of loop, you will need to provide the following inside of a for loops parameter input;

  1. a defined variable to use for each returned element,
  2. the keyword ‘of’ to signify the type of loop,
  3. and the iterable object or array to use.

This might look like;

for( let varToUse of iterableArray ) {
    varToUse // ← returns each element from the array

In Use

Let’s rework the first example from this page using this new for loop.

Below, is the code, with the original for loop commented out, and replaced directly below with the new structure. Notice, that in addition to being less code, it is easier to read what is occuring.

let xPosArr = [ 20, 60, 180, 250, 462 ];

function setup() {
    createCanvas( windowWidth, 400 );

let yPos = 0;
function draw() {
    background( 'rgb( 200, 37, 52 )' );

    stroke( 255 );
    fill( 'rgb( 100, 255, 0 )' );

    // for( let idx = 0; idx < xPosArr.length; idx++ ) {
    //     // draw some boxes!
    //     rect( xPosArr[idx], yPos, 20, 40 );
    // }

    for( let num of xPosArr ) {
        // console.log(num);
        // draw some boxes!
        // NOTE: xPosArr[idx] is able to be replaced with a single var
        rect( num, yPos, 20, 40 );

    yPos = (yPos + 1) % windowHeight;
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This new for loop will not always be appropriate to use when working with arrays, but there are times when its readability warrants its use alone.

Shiffman’s Take

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