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Web Technologies, MART 441

University of Montana, School of Media Arts

This is the website for the online section of Web Technologies ( MART 441 ) offered by The School of Media Arts, University of Montana.

Building on the principles and techniques covered in Intro to Web Design ( MART 341 ), this project-based class focuses on media integration, interactivity, client-side development, and server-side development for the presentation and development of artistic websites.

This online advanced web technologies course will explore the latest in web technologies. This will began with a refresher of HTML5 and CSS3. Next will be a thorough exploration of JavaScript (JS) for client-side site development and interaction. The final topic will touch on the power of JS and node.js for server-side development. A number of JavaScript libraries will be explored for how they can speed up the artistic process.

The syllabus contains more information about the course, as well as student expectations.

This course was built and is delivered by Michael Musick.

Start the Course!

Each week’s content can be chosen from the “Modules” tab up above in the navigation bar (or in the “hamburger” menu if you are on a mobile device).

There you should find a link to ‘Week 1’. As weeks become active, you will find them populate that drop-down menu.