Weekly Overview of the Course

Week 1

Active: January 24th - January 30th

Homework Due: January 31st @ 8:00AM

  • Course Overview
  • The Syllabus
  • Your computer as YOUR development environment.
  • Git Version Control
  • What are “Web Technologies”?
  • Review of HTML, CSS, & RWD

Week 2

Active: January 31st - February 6th

Homework Due: February 7th @ 8:00AM

  • Intro to JavaScript (JS)
  • “Hello World!”
  • console.log()
  • The Web Console

Week 3

Active: February 7th - February 13th

Homework Due: February 14th @ 8:00AM


  • Eloquent JS; Ch. 1
  • Eloquent JS; Ch. 2


  • Values, types, and operators
  • Statements
  • Variables/Bindings
  • Functions
    • console.log()
    • Return Values
  • Control Flow
    • Conditional Execution
    • while/do loops
    • for loops
    • break
  • Capitalization and Code Standards
  • Comments

Week 4

Active: February 14th - February 20th

Homework Due: February 21st @ 8:00AM


  • Eloquent JS; Ch. 3 - Functions
  • Eloquent JS; Ch. 4 - Data Structures: Objects and Arrays
  • Eloquent JS; Ch. 5 - Higher-Order Functions


  • functions
  • arrays
  • objects
  • json
  • the math object
  • abstraction

Week 5

Active: February 21st - February 27th

Homework Due: February 28th @ 8:00AM


  • Eloquent JS; Ch. 6 - Objects
  • Eloquent JS; Ch. 8 - Bugs and Errors


Week 6

Active: March 7th - March 13th

Homework Due: March 14th @ 8:00AM


  • Eloquent JS; Ch. 13 - JavaScript and the Browser
  • Eloquent JS; Ch. 14 - The Document Object Model


  • Introduction to JS’ integration with web development and browsers.

Week 7

Active: March 21st - April 5th
Note: Spring Break runs from the March 24th - April 1st

Homework Due: April 6th @ 8:00AM


Week 8

Active: April 10th - April 17th

Homework Due: No Homework Due


  • Eloquent JS; Ch. 15 - Handling Events
  • Eloquent JS; Ch. 18 - HTTP and Forms
  • Eloquent JS; Ch. 9 - Regular Expressions

Week 9

Active: April 18th - April 24th

Homework Due: April 25th @ 8:00AM

Week 10

Active: April 30th - May 9th

Homework Due: May 10th @ 8:00AM

Week 11

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Week 12

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Week 13

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Week 14

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