Active: January 24th - January 30th
Work Due: January 31st @ 8:00AM

Your Development Environment, Cont’d

In addition to a CLI (i.e. Terminal.app or Git-Bash.exe), you also should have a ready-to-go development environment on your machine. This environment should include;

  • A Text Editor. Such as;
  • A way of working with GIT. Either via;
    • A CLI, such as Terminal.app or Git-Bash.exe
      • You would use Git with CLI commands (i.e. git commit -m "some message")
    • A Git GUI App, such as;
  • A GitHub account
  • Modern web browsers for testing
    • Chrome
    • Safari
    • Firefox

If you have taken MART341 recently or MART120 - Creative Coding 1, you should be all setup and ready to go. If any of this feels unfamiliar, you need to install these tools, or you want a refresher, I would suggest you work through the content for “week 2” of Creative Coding 1.

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