As a review and way of launching you back into web development, you are to build a single-page, static-site, that briefly describes you, for your first homework assignment.
This site should;
Optionally, you should also utilize parallax scrolling.
You should also have at least three sections. At a minimum, this should include;
With respect to the file structure, the site should;
, which is also in the root level of the main repo directory.
├── HW-1
│ ├── imgs
│ │ ├── hero-image-2.jpg
│ │ └── hero-image.jpg
│ ├──
│ └── style.css
└── index.html
The following are links to a live example of this site and the associated repository.
[Live Site Example] | [View on GitHub] | [Zip Download] |
Note: You are welcome to look at code, snoop around, and see how I solved these problems. You should also examine the repository directory structure to understand what I am asking for “directory structure” - wise.
Every homework assignment, you will write a readme document, describing your experience and response to the homework. This will be a standard part of all HW assignments. This can be considered as a technical report, in which you post documentation about how it went and what you did. Ideally something visual, some written thoughts, specifics of what you did, and code. If you are struggling with your problem and can’t get things to work, you should feel free to put your energy into writing about what didn’t work (and vent any frustrations!). This should be considered as a technical report. As such, these reports should be well formed, written with proper grammar/style, and edited. You will be marked down for poor writing.
Your response should be considerably longer than the example from the above links.
If you do not know, or are wanting a refresher with Markdown please utilize the following resources.
To submit your homework, copy and paste links to your;
These should be placed in a new forum post in the “Week 1 HW Forum” on Moodle.