Active: January 31st - February 6th
Work Due: February 7th @ 8:00AM

Weekly Conclusions

This week you were introduced to JavaScript and worked through the critical “Hello World!”.

This is a purposefully light week. You should use this week to get caught up on any Web Dev principles that you may be uncomfortable with or missing from last semester. Again you can use your previous website, or my original MART 341 site. In particular, you should make sure you are comfortable with;

  • linking between pages and to other files (i.e. image file, JavaScript files, CSS files, etc.)
  • Responsive Web Design
    • Flexbox
    • Mobile-First Design
  • Design strategies

You should also take the time to make sure you are comfortable with the new <script> tag, and how it can be used to include inline or external JavaScript.

Next week, we will began to look at the basics of programming, including;

  • variables,
  • program flow,
  • debugging,
  • and structure.

In the mean time, please feel free to come by my office to say hello or get help. I have updated my Office Hours for the semester, and these are located in the “Instructor” tab above. I really would like to meet each of you at some point in the near future.

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