Active: January 31st - February 6th
Work Due: February 7th @ 8:00AM

Homework 2

For your homework this week, I want you to create a basic web page, that inserts a string of pre-formatted markup into the document, with the document.write() function. Additionally;

  1. This function should be executed from a separate JavaScript file, that you link to from your html document.
    • Use the script tag at the end of your HTML document to do this
  2. The inserted markup text should include;
    • 1 heading element
    • 1 paragraph element
  3. You should set a basic background color for your document using a style element within the HTML documents head element.
    • See the examples on the last two pages for how to do this.

As always, you should also write a readme.md that is part of your directory. Here you should discuss your progress this week with the introduction to JS and the “Hello World!” example.

Your directory should look like the following;

├── HW-1/
├── HW-2/
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── readme.md
│   └── script.js
├── README.md
└── index.html

Also, you will submit links to the week-2 Moodle forum, for both the live example, and directory, just like last week.

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