Active: January 31st - February 6th
Work Due: February 7th @ 8:00AM

Thoughts on MART 341
Wrapping up HTML & CSS

For those of you still struggling with HTML and/or CSS, please be patient on yourselves and work to get caught up. One resource that will persist is the original MART341 site.

The above link is to a permanent version of the MART341 site, from its first iteration. It is not a perfect version, but it will not change on you, or disappear. In particular, I would suggest anyone who is feeling shaky, takes the time to work through weeks 9, 10, & 11.

  • week 9, covers basic information on the “Box Model” (padding, margin, & border), display information, float, and basic layouts.
  • week 10, is an in-depth look at Responsive Web Design (RWD) and mobile-first design strategies. It also includes ideas for how to sketch for RWD.
  • week 11, reviews information about images in HTML & CSS, sizing images, creating background images, viewport units, and designing web layouts.

I know that is a lot of review (or potentially new information, depending on your experience), however, it is critical that you understand these information before continuing on with the meat of content for this semester. In particular, if the first homework assignment for this course was difficult, you should plan a significant amount of time over the next two weeks to review the information from weeks 9, 10, & 11 of MART 341. If you would like to work through any of the concepts or techniques from those weeks, please feel free to come in during my office hours or setup a meeting time with me.