Active: February 7th - February 13th
Work Due: February 14th @ 8:00AM

Week 3 Overview

Active: February 7th - February 13th

Homework Due: February 14th @ 8:00AM

For this week, and the next couple of weeks, a lot of your content will come directly from the Eloquent JavaScript book. Over the next three weeks, we will explore the basic concepts and techniques of coding.

Most of you will already have taken MART120 - Creative Coding 1. For those of you who have taken 120, this will be a review for you. I feel comfortable asking you to review this material through the lens of true JavaScript, as opposed to the gentler p5 lens.

For those of you who have not taken 120, this will be new material. Take your time, work through this material slowly and methodically (i.e., I would be reading deep and not skimming). Remember, if you have questions while you work through the content this week, post them to the GitHub-hosted Issues-Forum.

For everyone, I again, would encourage you to consider developing a study group, that you can meet with once a week. If you get in the habit now of meeting with these people, when the content gets difficult later this semester, you will have a group to work with. Please feel free to use the issues-forum to arrange groups if you are so inclined.

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